Home » Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) » IBPS RRB Question Papers For PO, Clerks, Specialist Officers.
Candidates must remember that the criteria of every bank vary from each other..
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A Â Â Â Â Â Â 5. The text books might not change completely for a slight change in the exam pattern but the Sample Papers do. The 12th & 13th September exams have completed by IBPS Successfully
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c.  Deciding quickly to leave questions which can be time wasters (as much as leaving good balls while batting). Officer Scale II Exam Pattern [Specialist Cadre]:.
Which state has Highest urban population according to census 2011 â Maharashtra. Who has recently become the first Indian golfer to qualify for the prestigious Presidentâs Cup of Golf?
.Every wrong answer carries 0.25 negative marks from the actual marks allotted for specific question. Examiner wants to check your English Standard in Normal way with these given major topics. Applicant have done their exam preparation seriously as aware of competition ratio..
53.Non Financial Companies minimum limit to set up ATM?.
ibps rrb online test series -2015 Merit List. D is not an Agriculture Officer.. of Questions Difficulty Level Reading Comprehension 15 Moderate Para Jumbles 5 Difficult Sentence Correction 5 Moderate Cloze Test 10 Moderate Sentence Fillers 5 Moderate. IBPS RRB Specialist Degree Previous Year Model paper:
Topics |
Expected No. Of Qns. |
Seating Arrangement |
10 |
Logical Reasoning |
5 â 10 |
Tabulation |
5 |
Puzzle |
5 â 7 |
Coded Inequalities |
5 |
Coding Decoding |
5 |
Blood Relations |
5 |
Syllogism |
5 |
Input Output |
0 â 5 |
Alphanumeric Series |
0 â 5 |
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test |
0 â 5 |
Data Sufficiency |
0 â 5 |
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