How to Apply:Â Apply Online.
Online Practice Test for Central Reserve Police Force ( CRPF ) ASI ( STENO ) Recruitment Exam. Telangana Police Previous Papers are made available here. General Intelligence â Observation, figures & Shapes, Relationship, Alphabets & Numerical Series, Decision making & Arithmetic Series & conceptual questions..
From the you can get the last five year old question paper in pdf format.
S.No | Name of the Post | Selection Test |
1. | Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constables (Civil)(Men) in Police Department |
Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes. |
2. | Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (AR) (Men) in Police Department | Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes. |
3. | Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (APSP) (Men) in Police Department | Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes. |
4. | Constables (Men) in Special Protection Force (SPF) Department | Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes. |
5. | Firemen in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Department | Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes. |
6. | Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (Civil) (Women) in Police Department | Candidates will have to run 2.5 kms within 16 minutes. |
7. | Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (AR) (Women) in Police Department | Candidates will have to run 2.5 kms within 16 minutes. |
Aspirant who are looking for Latest Government Jobs in AP are having very good opportunity to apply write now. Coming to the Mumbai Constable Posts Exam pattern officials are going to query from the subjects Mathematics, General Studies, Mental Ability, Marathi Grammar. Arunachal Police Constable Syllabus & Exam pattern.
So it is advisable to Practice TS Police Constable Previous Papers as high as possible.
Official notification will be updated soon by the Police department of Andhra Pradesh..
AP Police Constable Exam will consist of Preliminary Selection Test, Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Written Examination.. Something That You Should Put An Eye On.
Till now date the date for the exam and the interview has not yet decided but it will be announced soon in the official site..
Now all the candidates going to apply for the SI/Constable are quite busy with their exam preparation
. he question paper will have objective type multiple choice questions and the paper contains 200 marks and time duration is 3 hours. TSPSCÂ Excise SI Syllabus 2016. Government of Telangana Division of Police Employment is revealed the curriculum for constable posts of SI, Constable Civil, Armed Reserve, APSP, SPF, Fire Man examinations in subject wise based on the comply with..After completion of job seekers searching for Maharashtra Police Syllabus 2016 and applicants can get download Maharashtra Police Sub Inspector Syllabus from official website. Similar to every year also the Telangana government is going to recruit SI / Constable 8000 Post. For this West Bengal Police Recruitment Application fee is around Rs.
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